WHOIS Domain Name Lookup Tool

You can check the WHOIS records for the domains registered all around the world including .com, .org, .ng, .uk, .za etc.

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About WHOIS Lookup

Domain WHOIS Lookup

Domain WHOIS Lookup is a tool for checking the public details about a domain name registration. The displayed public records usually include the Domain Registrar, the Domain Registrant, Admin, Billing, & Technical contact details, the domain’s name server records, lock status as well as a few other details. The specific records vary from one domain registry to the other, usually based on their policies.


By submitting a Whois query, you agree that this information will not be used to allow, enable, or otherwise support the transmission of unsolicited commercial advertising or solicitations via e-mail – nor would the results be put to any other illegal nor unethical use. The use of electronic processes to harvest information from this server is strictly prohibited.

TLDs Included

You can check the WHOIS records for the domains registered including: .COM, .ORG, .NET, .INFO, .COM.GH, .SPACE, .CO.UK, .IO, .BLOG, .AFRICA, .EDU, .GOV, .MIL, .BIZ, .CO, .US, .UK, .DE, .CA, .AU, .IN, .FR, .JP, .CN, .BR, .ZA, .NG, .XYZ, .ONLINE, .APP, .TECH, .SITE, .STORE, .ME, .DEV, .AI, .TV, .FM, .RE, .LY, .PW, .MO, .VN, .CZ, .IL, .IR, .PE, .CO.ZA, .LU, .SK, .HU, .BD, .LV, .LT, .EE, .IS, .MT, .SI, .CR, .EG, .UA, .BY, .BG, .KZ etc.

Transfer Your Domain Names to G Online Sites

Transfer your Domain Names to G Online Sites at affordable prices.

FREE! 1 Year Extension Included
(Have your domain name expiry extended by a year when you transfer to us)

We will add one year to the current expiry date of your domain name for no additional cost. This means you will not lose anytime even if you choose to transfer months before your domain’s expiry date.


WHOIS or Who owns the domain??

The ownership of most domain names can be found from the domain registry's WHOIS database.

What is a WHOIS database?

A WHOIS database is a record that is maintained to understand the ownership and technical details of a domain name or IP address.

Is WHOIS legal?

Yes! It is

Who maintains WHOIS database?

Each domain registry maintains a WHOIS database.

Why is WHOIS public?

It is public in order to be able to maintain the integrity of the Domain Name System. Anyone anywhere can query the ownership or other technical details of a domain name using the right WHOIS lookup tool.

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